You will be given a book, “Through Death to Life,”
from which you are asked to select readings from both the Old and New Testament.
The priest or deacon will select the Gospel reading.
You may ask a family member or friend to lector (read) the first and second readings along with the Prayers of the Faithful.
We can help you with the selection of songs that are appropriate for a Funeral Mass.
If you have a personal request feel free to discuss this with the priest or deacon.
The parish organist will play for funerals, and the the church will provide a cantor. There is no fee for their services.
Your loved one may be brought to Immaculate Conception for visitation prior to the Funeral Mass.
The church encourages family members or friends at the Funeral Mass to bring to the altar the bread and wine.
You may also select someone to serve as a Eucharistic Minister.
The funeral home may bring flowers to the church for Mass.