Creating an environment which conveys the holy mystery and beauty of our Catholic worship is the work of our volunteers that give their time and talent towards the environment in the church throughout the liturgical year.
Some of the many responsibilities of these volunteers include hanging banners, setting up displays, and arranging plants and flowers around the altar.
Additional volunteers are always needed for the Christmas and Easter seasons. Although you may not have the time to help all year you may find the time to help during the special seasons of the Church.
The ministry of Altar Servers is to minister at God's altar with reverence, fidelity, and love. Altar Servers assist at Saturday or Sunday Masses. They also serve at Weddings, First Communion, Confirmation, and other special celebrations in the life of the Church. These include Holy Days, Holy Week, Christmas, and Easter. The presence of these young people at the altar is an important witness, reminding us that Catholics of every age have gifts to offer and a role in ministry.
Eligibility: Any Immaculate Conception youth currently in the 5th Grade through 12th Grade,who has recieved Holy Communion may enter training to become an Altar Server. Servers are also required to take part in training sessions and in-service meetings during the year.
The Patron Saint of Altar Servers:
The patron saint of Altar Servers is St. Tarcisius, martyred around the year 255 AD. While taking communion to Christian prisoners at the age of twelve, Tarcisius was attacked by a pagan mob, and died defending the Host. It is said that when the pagans searched him afterwards, there was no trace of the Sacrament. Tarcisius is the patron of First Communicants, Altar Servers, and a Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament. Tarcisius had a loving and heroic devotion to our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. May all our Altar Servers strive to do the same. St. Tarcisius ... Pray for us.
Priest and Deacons are Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are commissioned by the pastor to assist the priests and deacons in distributing the precious Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior during Mass. This is a ministry with great responsibility. Reverence and respect for the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is at the heart of this ministry.
To be a Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion you must be 18 years of age or older, confirmed and able to receive the Eucharist, trained, and commissioned by the pastor.
Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound
There are many of our parishioners who are homebound, or find it necessary to live in assisted living centers.
How Do I Arrange A Communion Call?
If you or a loved one is permanently or temporarily homebound or cannot get out to Church for some other serious reason, arrangements may be made to have an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EM) bring Communion to your home. A short visit, prayer and Communion will be offered. Home bound parishioners may make arrangements to have a priest come and hear your confession.
Lay Ministry of the Word is open to any parishioner who has been confirmed and able to receive Holy Communion. Ministers of the Word prepare each week to deliver the Word of our Lord at Mass. Lectors read the first or second readings each Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation. Training workshops are offered quarterly. Contact Deacon Rudy Stahl or Sherry Leger at 665-5359.
All of the activities of the sacristan are behind-the-scenes; setting up of the church, the altar and the offeratory gifts. Sacristans also prepare the different vessels used in Holy Mass including the Chalices and bowls as well as the linens used during Holy Communion. When the service is over, the sacristan cleans the vessels and prepares for the next service. Sacristans are needed for both weekday and weekend liturgies. Training sessions are given during the year.
We need men and women who are available during the day-time hours, generally, to assist in preparing the Church and to altar serve at funeral and wake services. Training sessions are provided during the year.
Ushers help create a prayerful worship environment, and encourage each person to know that their presence is important to our community of faith. At Sunday Mass they greet churchgoers and make parish newcomers feel welcome, assist in seating the congregation, help the communion lines move smoothly and see that the collection is passed in an orderly fashion.
Other duties include:
Both men and women are invited to become ushers. We are always happy to have more friendly faces willing to serve as ushers and greeters before, during, and after our Liturgies. If you are interested in this important ministry contact Mark Firmin at 225.791.9346.
Greeters are the first people to welcome a new person or family to Immaculate Conception Church. Their primary task is to create an initial atmosphere of love, unity and enthusiasm. Why is this important? One way that Christ reveals Himself when we gather for the Eucharist is in the gathering itself. Where two or three are gathered in His name, Jesus is present in a special way. When we gather in our church, He is in our midst because He already dwells in each of us. When we are aware of Christ's presence in one another, we open ourselves and connect with one another in a way that reminds us of our unifying bonds to Christ Himself.
Hospitality is not only the responsibility of the greeters and the ushers, but also for all members who are preparing to celebrate the Liturgy. In this way we, who are many parts, become part of one body, the body of Christ.
Come and join us as we welcome parishioners and visitors to the weekend Masses extending the love of Christ to all who come to worship.
If you are interested in this important ministry of welcome, contact Mark Firmin (791-9346).