This year's St. Vincent de Paul Angel Tree will be up on Saturday, November 30. Every year, hundreds of children can receive Christmas gifts through the Angel Tree Program at ICC. This year, the need is even greater. Please stop by our tree and select your tag the purchase the gifts that are listed on the tag for each Angel. All gifts are for local children. Each tag lists the child's specifics and her/his with. The gifts can be toys, clothes, or both, and the amount is up to you! Remember, what you give will be all that child gets for Christmas. All of them need clothes, but Christmas is not Christmas without a toy. All gifts need to be dropped off by Sunday, December 15. If you take an Angel Tree Tag and are not able to contribute, please bring the tag back to the church office, no questions asked.
Please bring our UNWRAPPED Angel Gifts with tag attached to the Admin Building (entrance nearest the 3 flag poles) Gifts should be left in Room 1 (first door on left after entering). Gifts can be dropped off weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and Sundays before or after Mass. Please do not bring Angel Gifts into the Church at any time. Thank you all for participating in our Angel Tree Program!
"Whatever you did for these lest brothers of mine you did for me" Matthew 25:40.
Organized 21 years ago, the local chapter of the St. Vincent DePaul Society is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to helping the less fortunate in our church and in Livingston Parish. The St. Vincent DePaul Society helps with families in an emergency situation when temporary funds are needed.The society relies solely on contributions and volunteer workers. A volunteer member makes contact with a family or individual and conducts an interview. A case report is then presented to the board members at the weekly meeting. It is then discussed and the members decide how they can best assist with each request. Our services include the Food Bank, Thanksgiving baskets, and Christmas baskets/gifts. The Baton Rouge area chapter of St Vincent DePaul operates several thrift stores in Baton Rouge. Click here for a list of locations of drop off locations.
2171 Tower Dr.
Denham Springs, LA
(225) 665-1623