The best way to discover God's Will is by pursuing a holy life. It's our primary vocation in life to become a saint! As you begin to pray, reach out to God's people in acts of service, and seek spiritual direction, the particular way in which God is calling you to holiness of life to glorify Him will be revealed.
If you'd like help, please contact our office.
You don't have to make the journey alone!
Rev. Joshua D. Johnson
Director of Vocations
Office of Vocations & Seminarians
Pastor | Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, St. Amant
[email protected]
Rev. Andrew J. Merrick
Director of Seminarians
Office of Vocations & Seminarians
Pastor | Christ the King at LSU, Baton Rouge
[email protected]
The Catholic Daughters sponsor "The Traveling Chalice" as part of the Diocese Vocation Awareness Program. The program is designed to promote prayers for vocations in the family home. Each Sunday at Mass, a family will accept the responsibility of praying for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The family will be provided with the prayers and a chalice as a focal point for prayerful reflection. The family will be called forward at the end of Mass and presented with the chalice, be blessed by the priest, and reminded that they take the prayers of the community with them as they make this very special prayer commitment. At the end of the week, the chalice is returned to the parish office or the Sacristy.
If your family is interested in praying for vocations with the Traveling Chalice,
please contact Julie Panek with the Catholic Daughters
[email protected]