Thank you for your
as we continue to update our website!
We have completed the first phase of updating to a new template.
Now comes the painstaking work of updating the content and site layout.
Please use this link (WEBSITE UPDATE) to request updates to the parish website, ask questions, or make suggestions on how to improve the website. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated; we are here to serve you!
PICTURES, FORMS, OR FLYERS TO BE ADDED - follow these instructions:
If you have pictures or a flyer you would like added to our website, you may attach them directly to an email.
Pictures should be in .jpg format. You must submit a clear explanation of:
1. Who is in the picture
2. When & where the picture was taken
3. Which ministries were involved in the event
If there are children in the pictures, the parish must have a signed parental release form on file BEFORE the picture will be put on the website. Click the link to the right of this page. Just print it out and have the parent or legal gaurdian sign and date it.
You may also print the website update form, fill it out completely and bring it to the church office.
Thank you!
Claire Solar; [email protected]
Bulletin Editor